About Us

We are a specialist sleep clinic that assesses and treats insomnia. Our clinical staff are doctors with specialist skills in sleep medicine, who use the latest and most effective methods to get you sleeping better.

Our approach to insomnia treatment is based on cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-i). This is a highly effective and evidenced based technique which is considered the gold standard treatment by the NHS, NICE, The British Sleep Society and The American Association of Sleep Medicine.

We know that everyone is different, and everybody’s sleep is different too. This is why we are pleased to offer such a personalised and individual service to each of our patients. We believe this is a much more effective approach than a one-size-fits-all online course. We also know that different people will need different levels of treatment - this is why we have no ‘standard package’ of sessions. We carry out our assessment and agree a treatment plan with you, which we can adjust as we go.

As well as providing 1:1 treatment sessions for people with poor sleep, we also train other doctors and healthcare providers in sleep medicine.

We are passionate about what we do, and how we do it. If you have any questions about us or the service we provide then please drop us an email at info@theinsomniacentre.com

Our Team

  • Dr David Garley

    David works in general practice and previously worked in the NHS sleep clinic at Bristol Royal Infirmary.

    As well as treating patients, he also teaches sleep medicine to other healthcare workers in the NHS and private clinics.

    He has managed clinics in India with Médecins Sans Frontières, and worked as the Covid-19 Programme Co-ordinator with the Wellcome Trust in Africa.

    He is a member of the British Sleep Society.

  • Dr Jonathan Sunkersing

    Jonathan is a GP with a specialist interest in Sleep Medicine. He has worked in A&E and Intensive Care previously and helped lead a UK Covid-19 Hub during the pandemic.

    He has completed a Masters Degree in Sleep Medicine from the University of Oxford and is an Advisor to The Sleep Charity. He has talked about Sleep Medicine for doctors nationally and internationally and is passionate about improving Sleep Medicine in the UK.

  • Jess Barrett-Wroe

    Jess is the Marketing Director for the Insomnia Centre.

    She has a background in website development and graphic design, and has successfully collaborated with diverse organisations ranging from international wildlife conservation projects to medical healthcare providers.

    She manages the website and social media platforms and is always finding new ways to communicate sleep health advice in innovative, interesting and engaging ways.